This site I wanted to give the country full of contrasts, very mysterious, rugged, with beautiful nature and people who are very friendly.Itś a special country that can impress everyone of visitor .Time stopped here .Iceland looks just like the Vikings came here.Immersed in fog, with the chilly weather, all covered with moss, rock or ice, after which it is named. Dark mountains are everywhere and most are created by volcanic activity.However, under the mist lies the country of incredible beauty.I was lucky enough to get into this country and spend some time here. (Almost 5 months). So Iceland has become for some time my second home.I would like therefore share your impressions and present the country each visitor to my site.
So welcome to the land of elves or trolls!
Did you know ....
Thingvellir is a national park in the south of Iceland on the Reykjanes peninsula, and here was the Althing (from 930 legislature), the oldest parliament in Europe.