Some facts about this country
Official name
- Long Lýðveldið Ísland
-Short Island, English Iceland
Slovak name: Republic of Iceland
official language of the country: icelandic, Norwegianspeak usually be no problem in English or German
Capital of Iceland: Reykjavik
population: 296,737 inhabitants
(Census 2005 - (source Wikipedia))
form of government: Republic
Currency: Icelandic króna (1 ISK = 100 aurar)
International Code: ISL
directional tel. Number: 354
Additional information about the country
100% literacy of the population
main sectors of the economy: ore, aluminum, manufacturing
boats, fishing, sheep and cattle
Continent: Island geographically belongs to Europe
Location: the island is located in the Atlantic Ocean
north of the Arctic washing
Ocean, from Europe to the north, near Greenland
and the Arctic Circle
climate: influenced by arctic air, but also warm Gulf flow
creation of the island: volcanic activity
transport on the island: by air, boat
Airlines: Icelandair
International Airport: Keflavík airport
Reykjavík It is the northernmost major city located in the world, located near the northern polar circle. It is located in the southwestern part of the island in the Gulf Faxaflói. Reykjavík City had 117,721 inhabitants in the census in 2007. Is it fishing, wool, leather and shipbuilding industries. Stocks of hot water from hot springs. To the south of the city is a port city Hafnarfjörður satellite.
Hallgrím´s church is a symbol of Reykjavik. Named after the famous Icelandic poet. Building began in 1945 and was completed in 1986.
The structure of the Icelanders eccentricity not very happy, but tourists looking for it. The church is 73 m high and is reminiscent of a rocket.The tower is the best view of the city and the sea bay in the background.Before the gate stands the statue of Leif Eiríkssona conqueror.
Stories circulating about him, that America has already discovered around the year 1000
Icelandic currency
Icelandic krona (1 ISK = 100 aurar)
On all the coins are displayed fish, which is related to the fact that it is fishing and fish processing was the largest source of livelihood for the inhabitants of this island.
Icelandic (íslenska) is a North Germanic language spoken in Iceland. Its closest relative is Faroese language and it can be to have some understanding and some Norwegians, depending on the dialect and education. Science: After roughly 300,000 people.This language does not use the letter "c". This language is reportedly among the hardest.To Europe emerged from its isolation on the island.